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Saturday, April 10, 2010

SORRY!!! =(= IDK!!!!!!!

Sorry i just got back from Tennessee, so i haven't posted. My cousin also got married today! <3>

I'll try to post more but my life is getting harder. I'm going to middle school soon,i gotta keep my grades up,AND to top it off my best friend(my cousin) is leaving for COLLEGE!! Shes giving me all her clothes,and other stuff but shes going to LSU probley so thats ganna be hard. My mom and I go on alot of trips to see our family in Louisiana so i try to use my aunts computer. yea, Well as you can tell my life is busy. I thought i could show u a pic of me looking happy at Sea World Orlando about a year ago (i hated my hair back then, i look better as a dirty Blondie xD)

This is the last pic u'll see of me without braces! i'm getting um in 2 weeks!!